
Vacations and Academic Support - Las Bambas

The project “Vacations and Academic Support – Las Bambas” is an intervention that aims at boosting the knowledge of low-income families’ children and teenagers, strengthening the natural talents and learning during vacations.

Goal: Help the increase of the learning goals levels in EBR children, implementing comprehensive training opportunities which strengthen the natural talent and reading comprehension (CL), Problem Solving (RP) and Critical Thinking (PC) during vacations in the MMG Las Bambas influence area.

Source of funding: Las Bambas Mining Company.

Scope of intervention: Challhuahuacho, Apurimac.

Duration: January 2018 – February 2018.

Expected Results:

  1. The students improve the artistic expression, creativity and psychomotricity skills through the implementation of music, dance, painting and sports workshops.
  2. The students improve their reading, logical and mathematical problem resolution, and scientific research skills through the implementation of academic support workshops in Communication, Math and Science.
  3. Students in the 4th of 5th year of secondary school of Pumamarca build their capacities in Communication, Math, Social Science and Science-Technology-Environment (CTA) under the PREU modality.


  • The project contributes in building capacities in children who need academic support during vacations.
  • Coordination activities with the Authorities in selected communities. The permanent assistance of children is a good sign of the success of the intervention.
  • In order to show the growth of the learning goals, here is the chart which summarized the learning results:




  • In Communication, the average learning growth is 36.25% while in Math is 31.5% and CTA is 27.5%.
  • Skills development during vacations was successfully done through efficient teamwork, having positive results in social skills, where more than 64% of students participating were able to work with their peers, lost fear of public speaking or in front of their peers.
  • Students improved their sporting skills in 56% in average as a result of their active participation in Volleyball, Football and Chess, promoted the active participation of children and teenagers in sport activities, developing a better quality of life in the physical, mental and social wellbeing.
  • The number of people who registered was 681 students in all three levels in the areas of this program of academic support during vacations.
  • The objectives, goals and indicators were met in 97% of what was originally planned for Fun Vacations in 2018 in the different communities of this program.


Prisma ONG