PET Cusco

proyecto de medio ambiente recusco
    proyecto de medio ambiente recusco

    Recyclers are informal and they frequently cause disorder when handling urban waste. This informality creates sub employment since sales to collectors can pay up to 50% less that formal buyers.

    On the other hand, collection carried out by recyclers associations on the streets lacks organization and personal protection equipment, maintains low incomes and poverty. This causes that most of the (PET and glass) waste end up in an informal market in Juliaca which then leads to Bolivia and produces a great risk for the health of the population due to lack of training and skills in recyclers.

    Using the application for registering collections will allow a continuous communication in real time between the recycler and the clients.
    Solid and glass waste collection are two types of residues which are not valued due to the lack of a market with competitive prices.
    Joint work between recyclers organizations and local governments allow formal operations in an area.

    Alliances between recyclers organizations and private companies allow a correct a collection and final disposal of waste. This also allows the participation of recyclers, local governments, population and private company in the recycling chain. Recyclers organizations and other actors of the chain collaborate in the of circular economy strategy of Cuzco.

    Main Goal:

    Improve the household income of solid waste recyclers through an organized pick up and final disposition system with traceability.

    Source of funding: Turismo Cuida.

    Scope of intervention:

    Recyclers of Cuzco, Urubamba, Calca and Ollantaytambo.

    Duration: February 2019 – July 2019.


    • Formalization of 8 recyclers association, with 42 recyclers, all articulated with and recognized by a local government. There is also the Qupa Cusco app which allows to organize the collection through creation a system for managing requests, and follow up the recycling.
    • Commercialization of 120 tons of solid waste and a campaign of 36 tons of electrical devices and appliances (RAEE).
    • Recognize recyclers organizations.
    • Application for managing exploitable waste.
    • Winner of the Prize “Peru for the Sustainable Development Goals” (Perú por los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible – PODS) in the category Peace Pacts.
    • Winner of the Environmental National Prize Antonio Brack Egg 2020, category Peru Inclusive, mention in “Social inclusion and environmental management”.



    Prisma ONG