Improving Early Childhood Education in the District of Chincha Baja

    The project “Improving Early Childhood Education in the District of Chincha Baja” was designed to enhance state action in education services, bearing in mind a broader perspective of the situation in the districts affected by the earthquake of August 15, 2007.  Not only did the situation call for urgent attention to the education infrastructure, but it was also an opportunity to strengthen the whole education system, especially for early childhood education.  Here, the foundation is laid for future learning that will enable us to educate productive citizens, committed to their district.

    The project “Improving Early Childhood Education in the District of Chincha Baja” is one of the social responsibility activities of the Textil del Valle company in the province of Chincha, and part of its commitment to district development, especially to basic education and the National Education Project (PEN).

    The first step was a diagnosis of the training needs of teachers, and the perception of the different stakeholders involved in the early childhood education project in the district; and it took into account the changes required to ensure a quality education service.

    The project included a teacher training program with the academic support of Universidad Católica, to build capacities in management, teaching strategies, health, and nutrition.  This program was backed up with technical assistance for stronger educational management, provided by the technical team of the MINEDU, involving high-ranking staff of the Technical Secretariat of Educational Municipalization.

    In addition, the project promoted comprehensive health care to be supplied by the local healthcare facility for the children in the participating schools; as well as improvements in equipment and educational material for the schools whose teachers performed best in the Training Program. Support was also given to emphasizing the presence of the education theme in the Concerted Development Plan, the Local Education Project, and certain other institutional education projects. The project also contributed to the formulation of project profiles to be included in the Participatory Budgeting process.

    Objective: To strengthen early childhood education services in the district of Chincha Baja, ensuring pertinent learning and the integral care of children from three to five years of age resident in the district.

    Source of funding: Empresa Textil del Valle and partnership with the Municipality of the District of Chincha Baja, the Unidad de Gestión Educativa Local (UGEL) and the Health Micro-network.

    Project area: 625 children from 12 early childhood education schools, PRONOEIS (Non-Formal Early Education Program Centers) and a Playroom in the district of Chincha Baja, also involving the schools in the districts of Grocio Prado and Sunampe.

    Duration: February 1, 2008 – August 2009



    Prisma ONG